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5 februari 2015: VVOC ontvang EFCNI Award 2015 voor hun buitengewone inzet voor prematuren en pasgeborenen in hun land.

VVOC ontvang EFCNI Award 2015 voor hun buitengewone inzet voor prematuren en pasgeborenen in hun land.
"We are very happy to bestow the Belgian association VVOC with the EFCNI Award 2015. EFCNI wanted to honour the organisation's commitment and achievements in the past years. VVOC has truly made a difference for preterm babies and their families in Belgium. With activities such as World Prematurity Day or the European wide campaign SOCKS FOR LIFE, VVOC raised great awareness for the burden of preterm birth in general but also for the importance of the parents' voice among the general public and healthcare professionals across Belgium."

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